January 6, 2022
Dare to Discuss: The Silent C with Aaron Titus of Crisis Clean Up
World Cares Center is committed to discussing the challenging issues that get in the way of improving disaster response and the lives of those we serve. We have a long history of advocating for at risk and underserved communities while providing the needed resources to emerge resilient and ready to respond. From ensuring that Spontaneous Community Volunteers have a place in disaster response, to addressing the issues that Survivors of September 11th faced in the midst of so much pain and suffering and empowering Haitian citizens to manage their own response teams, World Cares Center does not turn away from challenging issues.
Disasters have increased in frequency and severity and have become more challenging. From Hurricanes to Active Shooter Events to Pandemics, we can not afford to waste resources and duplicate efforts. Our community’s overall safety and resiliency depends on all of us working together. The Ready Responders Roundtable was created so that leaders from all disciplines can come together to discuss the challenges they face in keeping their constituents and disaster volunteers safe from harm. We follow up these session with Lunch and Learn Live training to offer the knowledge needed to address these issues. Lastly, we have online training that can be accessed 24/7 free of charge at www.disastervolunteerismacademy.org.
Join our next session and Dare to Discuss the real issue of Competition amongst volunteer groups active in disaster response. Crisis Clean Up founder and author Aaron Titus speaks about the challenges or working together, The Silent “C” in the not for profit world, Competition and more.
Thank you,
Lisa Orloff
World Cares Center Founder and President