Tragically, 2025 has begun with the Santa Ana Wildfires which have left thousands of families devastated, with homes destroyed, livelihoods disrupted, and entire communities displaced. This massive wildfire has also exhausted our responders, both professionals and volunteers, exposing them to physical and emotional harm. As these fires continue to burn, the need for immediate relief and long-term recovery is growing.
World Cares Center is raising funds to train, protect, and support all the Ready Responders who are fighting the wildfires from those rescuing animals to firefighters on the front line.
We provide training, protective equipment, and emotional resiliency support for those who have experienced an exhausting exposure to loss and suffering.
The Los Angeles Fire, remind us of the critical importance of readiness, not just having a go bag, but how you can help your neighbors. We are seeing acts of kindness and heroism unfold before us. Since its inception in the aftermath of 9/11, World Cares Center has been dedicated to empowering individuals and communities to become Ready Responders able to act safely in the face of disasters. Becoming a Ready Responder means being prepared to protect your loved ones while playing a vital role in building collective resilience. World Cares Center remains committed to delivering free training, supportive programs, and protective equipment providing Ready Responders like you with the tools and knowledge to make a difference in your community, save lives, and help communities recover and become more resilient.