November 29, 2023
Wednesday Noon-1pm
Preparing for Complex Disaster Response
Please join Evergreen and World Cares Center’s founder Lisa Orloff on November 29th at Noon, as she presents Preparing for Complex Disaster Response.
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 40% of small and mid-sized businesses never reopen after a natural disaster, and an additional 25% reopen but fail within a year. A good disaster plan means fewer days out of business, better communication with customers, and a better settlement from your insurance company. In this session World Cares Center founder, Lisa Orloff, will present a wide range of threats specific to industrial businesses in North Brooklyn from flooding to active shooter events and training that can help prevent, respond to, and recover from All Hazards. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.
About the speaker: Lisa Orloff, Founder and President of World Cares Center,
Orloff oversees the implementation of World Cares Center’s (WCC) strategic goals including the development and delivery of all programs including its Knowledge and Communications Center that fills the divide between underserved communities that respond and access to resources. She authored Managing Spontaneous Community Volunteers in Disasters: A Field Manual. CRC Press, 2011, based on her disaster deployments and experience managing diverse local groups in disaster response.
Orloff trains businesses to develop exercise and evaluation models that test business continuity plans as a part of an international Business Continuity Network, she was the lead editor of “The Collaboration between the Construction Industry and the Disaster Response Community, a Superstorm Sandy After Action Report”, developed curriculum for Pratt University, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and assisted in the developed and implementation of the NIH/SAMHSA Disaster Worker Resiliency Training.
Orloff has delivered training to thousands of emergency managers, community leaders, and professional responders in 27 U.S. states and 10 countries, and has contributed to response efforts during September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina, the 2010 Haitian Earthquake, the Japan Tsunami and Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Maria and Harvey, COVID 19 and the Ukraine War. She has built working partnerships with the Department of Defense, and international affiliates of the United Nations, and is a leading expert on spontaneous volunteer management. Orloff is a firefighter with the Eastport Fire Department.
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