On December 10th and 11th a strong storm system swept the southern United States causing wide spread death and destruction HELP US SUPPORT Warm Hearts and Toes for Tornado Survivors in Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky HERE


What are Ready Responders?

Ready Responders are individuals that by day have a regular job however when disaster strikes they are ready to help themselves, their neighbors and their colleagues recover and emerge from disasters more resilient. This network was created to give them the tools and pathway to connect.

World Cares Center Ready Responders Network™ (RRN) is a virtual information sharing network that engages and empowers individuals and communities working together to become more resilient in the face of crisis and disasters.

RRN offers resources, facilitates discussion and builds relationships during blue skies.

During crisis, the RRN provides a virtual outlet for local communities to engage in a coordinated grassroots response to crisis and disasters as a virtual emergency operations center. With virtual reach back to a peer to peer network, RRN activates to experts not involved at the scene to provide advice and subject matter assistance to those on the scene.
